Add a business listing

Anyone can add a business listing to  You don’t need to be registered to make contributions to, but if you’re not registered you’ll need to verify every update by clicking a link in an automated verification email we’ll send you.

Registered users can make instant updates; no need for the verification email.

Here is how you do it:
1. First search to be sure you’re not already listed (if you are you can update your listing with loads of extra information that will tell prospects about your company and help you get found).  Search, click here.  (Tip: The easiest way to see if you’re already listed is to search for your company name and town)

2. If your business is not already listed you can click this link to add your business.  You can add lots of information about your business, including business tags and location tags (keywords that describe what you do and where you do it), a link to your website, your email address, and more.

3. If it IS already listed you can enrich the listing with loads of additional information about your business.

4. Finally, you should claim your business listing, which gives you several benefits: