Reviews Policy Reviews Policy

Public Business Listing Information is an online service provider. Our service allows users to self-publish reviews about any businesses listed. Brownbook Limited does not monitor, screen or otherwise review the reviews that are published to our servers.

Negative Reviews (Bad reviews)
A negative review may be any review that is not positive. We don’t prevent users from leaving negative reviews, and we don’t remove their reviews without good cause being shown. You may wish to read more about good cause, click here. We will remove a review only if:
– By our own judgment we decide it is profane, offensive, illegal or in some other way objectionable, or;
– If we receive the proper notification of a legal judgment against the reviewer, as outlined in the procedure below.

Procedure for Notification and Action
We take issues concerning illegal content very seriously and will protect the rights of business owners and consumer users. If you are a business owner and you have legal grounds to object to a review of your business you can notify us in writing in order for us to identify the review and take action. The following Procedure is provided for this purpose.

1. A notification must be made in writing, by email or by post, to the address listed below. Your written notice must include the following:
a) A physical or electronic signature of the business owner or person authorized to act on behalf of the owner.
b) Specific description of the nature of the complaint, the allegation that is being made and what remedy is being sought.
c) Copies of any supporting information or past communication in relation to this complaint.
d) Specific identification of the location and description of the review with enough detailed information to permit to locate the review. You must include the specific URL or URLs of the web pages where the review is located.
e) Information reasonably sufficient to allow to contact the notifying party (i.e. you) which may include a name, address, telephone number and email address at which the notifying party may be contacted.
f) A statement that the notifying party has a good faith belief that the review is illegal, and the reasons why.
g) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and that the notifying party is authorized to act on behalf of the business owner.

2. We cannot deal with a complaint without complete information required for us to do so. Notifications which do not contain the above required information will be rejected.

3. Upon receipt of a notification containing the required information we will consider whether the review is profane, a personal attack, irrelevant to the business, or otherwise offensive, and if found to be such we shall remove the review.  Where we find the review to be none of these, we shall not remove the review and instead we shall identify the reviewer for the purpose of:
a) providing them with a copy of the complaint
b) allowing them to communicate directly with the complainant to resolve the issue
c) giving them the reasonable time to modify or remove the review

4. Brownbook Limited cannot, except as a result of an enforceable court order in the correct jurisdiction, reveal the reviewer’s identity to the complainant.

5. Should the complainant wish to pursue the complaint further, Brownbook Limited will fully comply with an enforceable court order in the correct legal jurisdiction to release information about the reviewer’s identity to the complainant to allow the complainant to direct their complaint accordingly. We will notify the reviewer accordingly.

6. In the event that the complainant obtains a legal judgment in relation to the review in their favor, Brownbook Limited will immediately remove the illegal review.

Addresses for notifications:
By email:

By Post:
The Policy Officer
Brownbook Limited
London Road, Sayers Common
West Sussex, BN6 9HS
United Kingdom